About Benjamin Glatt
Benjamin Glatt is a writer and teacher currently living in Toronto Canada. He primarily writes Science Fiction and Fantasy though he also enjoys writing the occasional poem, musical, lyric, or speech. He did most of his early creative work while he was meant to be paying attention to the real world and has rarely checked in since.
He hopes it is doing ok.
My Story
Hey I'm Benjamin Glatt. I've been writing fiction in one form or another since I was about six years old. The first story I have any memory of writing I dictated to my extremely patient father. It involved a generic hero being threatened by an evil empire as a sort of poorly conceived recruitment effort. I, being the hip young man I was, decided I would shorten some common words and phrases to create a really genuine futuristic sounding dialect. One of those phrases was "blow up". The practical up shot of this stylistic choice was that near the end of the first chapter, the villain of my tale, in as menacing a manor as I could conceive of as a six year old, threatened to "blow my entire family."
It's been largely uphill from there.
Since then I have written dozens of short stories and four novels. Sadly at the time of this writing none of those novels are ready for human consumption but two are working their way towards that point. I recently won the 2021 Muskoka Novel writing marathon for one of those novels.
In addition to my writing work I am a high school humanities teacher. I have taught in the far north, China, Costa-Rica, Vermont, and Ontario. I hold a masters of education and bachelors of liberal arts.
Between university and graduate school I walked along the coast of the US from Key West to North Carolina. It was a fascinating experience that taught me a great deal about isolation, sleeping hard in urban wastelands, and the lack of public restrooms. At least two of which have effected my thinking and writing since.